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Essential Home Toilet Plumbing Tips For Flushing With Ease

Simple Toilet Tips All Homeowners Should Know

Most homes nowadays have indoor plumbing systems, which is great because they make everyone's lives and homes much more convenient and comfortable. And yet, there are right and wrong ways to use your plumbing system. Using your plumbing system correctly can help it have a longer lifespan, saving you time, money, and avoid repair issues.

While the new year brings about plenty of resolutions, it’s also time to learn. When it comes to your toilet plumbing, there are plenty of lessons that could help you save money and keep you from needing a clogged toilet repair

Should You Use Toilet Cleaning Tablets?

toilet cleaning tabletsA clean toilet not only looks better in your bathroom, but it’s also healthier, too. But many homeowners loathe the chore of scrubbing the toilet bowl. It can be a lot of work, not to mention feel unsanitary. This is why toilet cleaning tablets can be such a great solution.

Toilet cleaning tablets are tablets you put in the tank of your toilet. The tablet sits in the water, slowly dissolving. It’s made up of cleaning chemicals, so every time the toilet is flushed, new water from the tank fills the bowl.

And because the toilet cleaning tablet has been sitting in that new water, the water in the bowl is not only cleaner than regular water, it works on actively cleaning, and keeping clean, the toilet bowls itself.

Your toilet will still probably need to be scrubbed occasionally, but using toilet cleaning tablets can drastically decrease the number of times the toilet needs to be scrubbed, as well as make the job a lot easier and quicker when you do need to break out the scrubber.

Only Flush Toilet Paper

Nowadays, it seems like there are plenty of sanitary products that claim they are flushable. From feminine hygiene products to damp wipes. But the truth is, they really shouldn’t be flushed at all. In fact, the only thing that’s truly safe to flush down a toilet is human waste and toilet paper.

only flush toilet paper

Toilet paper is specifically designed to break down in your plumbing system in a way that your local waste treatment facility can handle. But everything else, even if it says it’s flushable, can’t do the same. Which is why other flushable products so often cause clogs. A clog in your toilet may be able to be resolved with a plunger.

But a clog in your main sewer line? That’s a much bigger deal and a much bigger cost. And could result in sewage backing up into your home and possibly even your yard having to be torn up to repair the main sewer line. So you can see that if you're wondering what not to flush, it’s best to keep everything out of the toilet besides waste and toilet paper. Your plumbing system and wallet will thank you for it.

What If Your Toilet Is Clogged?

bucket of waterClogs happen. Maybe your low flow toilet just isn’t up to the task of regular flushing anymore. Or perhaps your toilet is older and struggling. Whatever the reason, sooner or later your toilet will probably face a clog.

There are many ways to deal with a clog. A plunger is the most common way, or even calling a plumber for a particularly stubborn clog. But there’s also a tip that most homeowners don’t know that involves a bucket of water for flushing.

If you’re facing a clog and you don’t have a plunger, pouring 3-5 gallons of water into your toilet bowl will usually unclog it. Because most clogs happen in the colon of the toilet itself, the pressure and weight of the water will be enough to force the clog past that bend in your toilet, solving your problem. Just pour the water as quickly as you can, aiming for the center hole.

RupCoe Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Can Help

Contractors from RupCoe Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning have been proudly serving the South Plainfield, NJ area since 1985. Family owned and operated, they offer a satisfaction guarantee and service with a smile. Be sure to ask how a maintenance appointment can improve performance in your home.